rant thing I guess??? heha?? might delete later

 Holy heckin' heck, humans absolutely suck. Like, we're just a horrible species. We're cruel to each other for either clout or basically no reason, heck, we're even destroying our own planet. And we're so greedy that the people in power make us pay to live. We're the only species, that pays to live. We might be one of the smarter species, but that doesn't mean we're hella stupid.

By that I mean, were hyper-aware of the situation we're in, but barely anyone is fighting to make a change. Adults very often tell my generation that we'll be the one to fix all this. Climate change, global warming, etc. and then as soon as we TRY to make those changes, they say, "nooo, you're too young to worry about that. Let the adults handle it."

And what's really stupid is racism and homophobia. Unfortunately, that is taught behavior- people aren't naturally hateful. I find it horrible how some people are racist, however, and call that their "dark humor." It's not funny. It never has been. It's just so utterly disgusting and disserespectful. A lot of people can't remember when they taught us in /kindergarten/ that, if you have nothing nice to say, don't heckin' say it! It really isn't that hard to keep your damn mouth shut!

Homophobia and transphobia are bad, too. Of course, there are some bad people who happen to be trans or gay or queer or something. But just like in the furry fandom, people often see one bad person in a community, and assume that the rest of the community is just as bad. Please be open-minded.

And I am well aware that some people have religions that do not allow them to support gay or trans people. I understand, and it's alright if that's how it is for you. I only draw the line where people start using their religion to actively hate and harm people. (A reminder that if you use the Bible for hateful purposes, you should remember that hate is a sin)

Very often, people are ignorant, too, and forget that other religions exist. NOT EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT HEAVEN IS EVEN REAL RAHHHHH RESPECT THAT YOU HATEFUL BAGUETTES!!!

Like seriously why the heck do humans gotta be so damn rude to each other


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